Thursday, May 04, 2006

Had to drag myself back here. I remembered telling myself to update daily once polytechnic life starts. Yet it seems that I'm late by more then a week. Well, at least I remembered.

After a week in Ngee Ann, life more or less has already settled down. Like Survivor, I inexplicably found myself within this group of people. 4 girls and this one another guy. In order to protect their (and well, mainly mine..) identity, let's call them xy, j, xj, hy and ec for the guy's name. I don't exactly remember how we stuck together (or maybe i do, but i don't feel like disclosing..), we just did. Did i stick with girls because I'm a lecherous pervert? No. Did I join the girls because I might have developed a interest in one of them? I wouldn't say yes, nor would i deny it. Possibly.

The time now is 5:06 p.m., battery strength 18%. Dumb 'ol me forgotten to bring the charger. Another hour left till my CCA starts. Song Composing Club. Hmm, transition from NCC to SCC. My original plan was to learn percussion, but after the interview last Saturday, I realised that I wouldn't mind playing 2nd role if singing, but of course, it was a total contrast with what i wrote on the description paper which they gave before the interview. Well, I guess I could tell them somehow.

14%. During the break which was after my HPD module, we went to Canteen 3 to eat. Decided to try the laksa. Wrong move. The noodles were barely half-cooked. There's one stall to avoid. Most unfortunate. Met my jie, sy, in Canteen 3 too. She's not in my class, but we have to same modules on Thursday. Somehow or another, she insisted I called her 'jie'. I didn't put up much of a fight.

11%. "Low Battery. You should change you battery or switch outlet power immediately to keep from losing you work." I guess that's my cue to shut down. Boredom fiesta for another 40 minutes.

Till next time...